In our neck of the woods, apples have just started coming into season. Since our family is working more toward eating in-season foods, and away from buying foods when they’re not in season, we stock up on produce whenever we can.
Whether you grow them, pick them yourself, or buy them from the orchard, local farmers market, produce stand, or store, it’s more economical and healthier to buy apples in the fall and store them.
The storage options are almost endless, but here are some ideas to get you going:
1. Buy “keeper” apples for long-term storage. We did this last year with Arkansas blacks
2. Can them
3. Freeze them; dry packing allows you to freeze them without sugar or syrup
4. Dry them
5. Make apple juice or apple cider, then freeze
6. Make applesauce, then can or freeze
7. Make apple chutney, apple jelly or apple butter
8. Make pie or pie filling (in the shape of the pie) and freeze or can
9. Make muffins, cakes, etc. to freeze.
If you have healthy, and especially SCD-friendly ideas for apple recipes, I’d love to hear them!
Apples—Take Advantage of the Season
Slow-cooked Savings
Although the next installment of the Grocery Budget Extreme Makeover isn’t quite ready, here are a few workable ideas from to add to your grocery budget arsenal.
I’ve utilized all of these ideas at one time or another and I have to say that using a slow cooker is my personal favorite, not only because it’s cheap and healthy, but because it’s a huge time saver. I feel most productive on the days when I get dinner going in the Crock Pot as soon as breakfast is over. And don’t forget, you can even use the Crock Pot for breakfast.
What are your favorite slow cooker recipes? I would especially love to hear any you have for overnight vegetarian breakfasts.